by soulcoats | Mar 1, 2023 | Restoration
As the New Year comes upon us one of the questions many women’s groups, small groups, or book clubs are wondering is what’s next? Discovering a new book, study, or topic that’s fresh can be a challenge. Here’s an idea: how about coloring! Can... by soulcoats | Feb 19, 2023 | Restoration
Completed by @hazidreaming from instagram. This is a wonderful set from a two page spread with the animals from the flood. The beauty locked away in our book is revealed when you put colour into the pages! Finished 'er up! 2 pager 💁 #coloringmasterpiece... by soulcoats | Jan 5, 2023 | Restoration
Take a peek inside of our book! Watch as creator, Rohadi, walks you through the beautifully illustrated, “Soul Coats: Restoration” adult bible coloring book for the first time.
by soulcoats | Aug 27, 2022 | Restoration
Are you looking for a new bible study idea? Tired of doing book studies? Want to unwind while you go deeper in your faith. Soul Coats: Restoration Study Guide is the FREE accompanying study guide as part of our adult coloring book. Think of this, coloring with a few...
by soulcoats | Apr 4, 2020 | News
Welcome to our ongoing list of free adult coloring pages, printable and available for download. The team at Soul Coats scours the web for new coloring resources for you to enjoy, and this list is a reflection of our commitment to provide coloring enthusiasts ample...